We have worked with a wide variety of clients on projects ranging from room to city in scale, and from days to years in time. |
Ravensbourne University of London - space review to seek pragmatic ways to accommodate immediate growth and to strategically plan for ongoing future growth
University Design Forum - year-long research project leading to the Social Learning Guide: Design & Management of Social Learning Spaces for University Campuses
University of Capetown - peer support for refurbishment of existing workspace to support alternative ways of working for c.60 professional services staff at any one time
University of Sydney, Faculty of Science - space review identifying new space and operational models to address emerging priorities in Science education, research and translation
University of the Arts London, Chelsea College of Arts - campus space review and new space models aimed at enhancing campus experience and increasing opportunities for integrated creative practice and innovation
London Metropolitan University, School of Art Architecture & Design - peer support for creating and testing new space models for relocation of School across 3 sites
University of Roehampton, London - user brief for SETEC (Sustainable Engineering & Technology Education Centre) initiative involving major repurposing of 2 buildings for delivery of new programmes
London School of Economics - user experience brief and space models for major new global hub building via refurbishment/extension of existing building
University of Roehampton, London - user experience brief for campus masterplan, campus space types/qualities mapping, new space models to address needs of blended (on-line/on-campus) future, user brief and space model for Integrated Health Education Hub via repurposing of existing building
London Metropolitan University - space model implementation strategy for School of Human Sciences, user brief for Nursing & Allied Health Education via part-refurbishment of existing building
University of Sarajevo - space model to inform city campus masterplan
Queen Mary University London - change support for academic workspace transformation
University of South Wales, Cardiff - new space models for project-based learning in STEM disciplines
Plymouth Marjon University - user brief for existing and new healthcare programmes
Kingston University - year long review of agile working pilot project involving 200 professional services staff
London Metropolitan University - space planning strategy and new space models to support expanding healthcare programmes portfolio
London School of Economics - change management support for blended working initiative
University of Roehampton, London - user brief and building refurb strategy for innovative new healthcare hub to deliver new and expanding healthcare programmes
Oxford Brookes University - user experience and value-for-money review of proposed new buildings for Faculty of Technology, Design & Environment
University of Roehampton, London - campus space mapping to meet the needs of blended (online, oncampus) learning and working
Stonehage Fleming, London - workplace brief to support introduction of flexible working
East Sussex College & Wave Leisure, Eastbourne - user brief for a new physical activity centre promoting health and wellbeing through physical literacy programmes
Kingston University, London - change support for agile working pilot project involving 200 professional services staff
James Paget University Hospital, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk - user requirements, space model and phasing strategy for new education & training centre
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool - user brief and space model for building refurb project
University of Hertfordshire - user experience and change support for SPECS, a major new building for School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Sciences to support interdisciplinary learn, teach, research and impact activities
Limerick TwentyThirty, Ireland - user brief for mixed-use development of major heritage industrial site in Limerick City
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge & Chelmsford - change support to deliver agile working environment to Professional Services staff, including Vice-Chancellor's Group, user brief and change support for Faculty of Business & Law for agile workspace in line with University's Strategic Transformation Programme
University of East Anglia, Norwich - evaluation framework for review of brief/design of major new building in context of Covid-19
University of Roehampton, London - review of Southlands College educational mission against existing buildings to identify optimum development strategy
Kings College London - base-build design evaluation and development of user brief criteria to meet fit-out requirements for Department of Engineering in line with STEAM space model trends
Kings College London - learning space pilot user brief and layout concept to explore blended learning delivery in multiple group sizes
West Dean College Chichester - new space model for practice hubs to support more flexible programme delivery and ability to rapidly respond to trending interests
Regents University London - user requirements and space planning for Bringing Creativity Home project, i.e. relocatioin of creative arts programme from Marylebone Campus to Park Campus
Argent Property Development - workspace strategy for accommodating further growth in HQ office
Trinity College Dublin - space review for Faculty of Engineering Mathematics & Science to reduce fragmentation, increase flexibility, achieve greater collaboration and sharing of resources
West Dean College Chichester - masterplan strategy for delivering enhanced student and visitor experience across listed house, gardens, farm and parkland
University of Roehampton - user brief for innovative academic workspace in refurbished building
Manchester Metropolitan University - scoping study for redevelopment of existing library
University of Exeter - masterplan brief for Saint Luke's Campus serving Education Psychology Medicine Health & Sports Sciences - the professional campus promoting healthy futures
London South Bank University - user brief for major refurb of existing building to refocus campus experience
Macquarie University Sydney - Faculty of Science & Engineering, international precedent study of new space types, user briefs for major expansion in new-build, refurbished and leased space, uk study trip
Wellcome Trust - design and implementation of symposium comprising multi-disciplinary team to co-develop masterplanning process for major development of key research campus
Glasgow School of Art - review of organisational, business and spatial data-sets to identify ways in which estate might develop to support School’s strategic plan
University College London East - user briefing for major new academic building focusing on cross-disciplinary collaboration for new research initiatives
University of the Arts London, CCW (Camberwell Chelsea Wimbledon Colleges) - space review across 3 campuses to seek opportunities for accelerating implementation of academic strategy
London South Bank University - user brief for 'front-door' to campus, including student services, public engagement (theatre, exhibition), library and teaching facilities
Macquarie University Sydney - space model for Faculty of Science & Engineering to support major expansion in new and refurbished space, week-long study trip organised to learn from UK precedents
Roehampton University London - user feasibility study for refurbishment of vacated library building to accommodate Student Services, Digital Services, School of Media
Kingston University London - user brief for School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy & Chemistry, introducing new space model in response to learn, teach, research and engage trends
Courtauld Institute of Art London - interim and long term work space requirements for campus transformation project
ADA National College for Digital Skills - space model scenarios to inform and illustrate estimated space requirements
Imperial College London - user engagement programme as part of masterplan for major development of estate
London Metropolitan University - space model as part of masterplan for consolidation on one campus
Manchester School of Art, MMU - review of academic workspace to provide greater flexibility and accommodate growth
London School of Economics - teach+learn requirements for new building (as part of competition brief), learning-in-action toolkit to transform existing teach+learn spaces
London College of Communication - user brief for relocation
King's College London - academic workspace models to support changing trends
Macquarie University Sydney - space requirements and new space models for Faculty of Science & Engineering
Argent Property Development - workplace change to accommodate substantial growth 2 years on from relocation
University of Brighton - user brief for reimagining Brighton Business School
Cardiff University - user brief for new Centre of Student Life Building
University of Cambridge - review of teach+learn space requirements for Cambridge Judge Business School
Brunel University - academic workspace principles for refurbishment of existing building
Macquarie University - international trends in academic workspace
University of Exeter - concept brief/design for academic hub
University of Southampton - review of Business School Brief for new building
University of Central Lancashire - space overview as part of campus masterplan
University of Strathclyde - evaluation of post-occupancy findings for School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Newcastle University - user engagement programme for new building for School of Computing Science
University of Brighton - part-time student profile, space model for university-wide estate strategy
University of the Arts London - space budget for London College of Fashion & London College of Communication
Ravensbourne College, London - post-occupancy evaluation 3 years on from relocation, redesign of Central Loan Resources and Innovation space
University of Glasgow - space types review, campus principles
University of Brighton - city campus vision development and building portfolio strategy
LUiL (Lougborough University in London) - user workshops and building appraisal to clarify user requirements
GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) London - space plan layouts to test user brief for research space
Central Saint Martins (University of the Arts London) - staff workspace brief and space planning
University of Roehampton - user brief for new library building
Kingston University - user brief for major new university building
University of Brighton - space review for development of Eastbourne campus
Thenamaris Shipping Management, Athens - accommodation strategy to address growth profile
Art Fund - workplace options study to support decision-making for new office design
University of East London and Birkbeck College - user preparation programme for a major collaboration initiative, University Square Stratford (USS)
University of Brighton - space review and strategic brief for new information building
Portsmouth University - user briefing support for campus development
Lombard, Luxembourg - space review and workplace design to support organisational change
Plymouth College of Art - space models to inform free school application (subsequently granted)
Argent property development, London - steering group member and space planning for office relocation
University of Brighton - post occupancy evaluation of three recently completed buildings
Indian Institute Technology, Mandi - user brief for new Himalayan campus
Macquarie University, Sydney - research accommodation strategy to inform campus masterplan
O1 Group, Moscow - briefing and space planning to reflect best international practice
Hurlingham Club, London - space review of existing workspace, recommendations for redevelopment
Plymouth College of Art - space brief for major redevelopment of campus
University of Southampton - Faculty of Engineering and Environment, user briefing for new mixed-use building addressing new types of working and learning spaces
Thenamaris Shipping Management, Athens - space review, building appraisal, user engagement and space planning to support changing work requirements
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand - sustainable futures for learning paper, with LearnSpaceLogic
GVA London - space utilisation survey to inform space requirements for relocation
University College London - laboratory space review informed by international trends
University College London - vision development, user brief and space requirements for campus master-plan
London Metropolitan University - Business School, space-planning concepts to support new ways of working
Architectural Association London - space strategy for campus expansion, master-planner selection process, support for organisational change
London Metropolitan University - Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Life Sciences, POE study of Tower Building and space planning strategy for ongoing refurbishment
University of Brighton - CETLD (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning through Design), book chapter and conference presentation on learning space models
Strathclyde University - LEN (Learning Education Network) programme, space types that support the student experience
Petchey Academy London - space review and recommendations to support growth and changing requirements
Kings College London - School of Law, space planning scenarios for relocation to grade-1 listed building
RBC Dexia Headquarters London - user brief for new workspace
Global Management Consultancy (confidential) - global workplace strategy to support new ways of working
Twofour54 (communication media) Abu Dhabi - strategic space requirements to support collaboration across business units and test suitability of proposed building complex
Royal Veterinary College London - strategic brief for dual campus master-plan
Lincoln University - Learning Landscapes research project (HEFCE funded), steering group member, contributing author
Loughborough University - Academic Workspace research project (HEFCE funded), steering group member and contributing author
University of the Arts London - user brief and space planning scenarios for new headquarters at 272HH
Oxford University - Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, studio space benchmarking
Dundee University - DoJ College of Art and Design, School of Architecture, user requirements and space brief for refurbishment of two major buildings
Wolverhampton University - E-learning Spaces research project (HEFCE funded), review of technology-rich learning spaces throughout UK
University of the Arts London - Central St Martins College of Art and Design, relocation project, vision development, user brief and space planning
Ravensbourne College London - relocation project, vision development, strategic brief, design team selection process, user brief, space planning, change support
Lewisham College London - user brief to identify space requirements for development of campus
Lambeth College London - space brief for campus rationalisation and enhancement
Oxford and Cherwell College - aspirational brief for major development of campuses
University of the Arts London - concept design for international students centre
Scottish Executive Schools Directorate - Building Excellence educational programme to support Curriculum for Excellence roll-out
Telford Local Authority - CABE enabling support for BSF (Building Schools for the Future) projects underway
Strathclyde University - LEN (Learning Education Network) programme for new space types for new ways of learning
Ulster University - vision and space requirements for Jordanstown campus master-plan
HM Revenue and Customs London - space planning and change support for restack and reorganisation of 100 Parliament Street building
University of Greenwich - Urban Research Institute, learning laboratory brief for Fryerns/Craylands Regeneration Project (funded by ASC, Academy of Sustainable Communities)
Aylesbury Local Authority - review of office space requirements and provision
University of Wolverhampton - user brief and change support for staff relocation to new administration building
London Metropolitan University - Olympics legacy option review
Ravensbourne University of London - space review to seek pragmatic ways to accommodate immediate growth and to strategically plan for ongoing future growth
University Design Forum - year-long research project leading to the Social Learning Guide: Design & Management of Social Learning Spaces for University Campuses
University of Capetown - peer support for refurbishment of existing workspace to support alternative ways of working for c.60 professional services staff at any one time
University of Sydney, Faculty of Science - space review identifying new space and operational models to address emerging priorities in Science education, research and translation
University of the Arts London, Chelsea College of Arts - campus space review and new space models aimed at enhancing campus experience and increasing opportunities for integrated creative practice and innovation
London Metropolitan University, School of Art Architecture & Design - peer support for creating and testing new space models for relocation of School across 3 sites
University of Roehampton, London - user brief for SETEC (Sustainable Engineering & Technology Education Centre) initiative involving major repurposing of 2 buildings for delivery of new programmes
London School of Economics - user experience brief and space models for major new global hub building via refurbishment/extension of existing building
University of Roehampton, London - user experience brief for campus masterplan, campus space types/qualities mapping, new space models to address needs of blended (on-line/on-campus) future, user brief and space model for Integrated Health Education Hub via repurposing of existing building
London Metropolitan University - space model implementation strategy for School of Human Sciences, user brief for Nursing & Allied Health Education via part-refurbishment of existing building
University of Sarajevo - space model to inform city campus masterplan
Queen Mary University London - change support for academic workspace transformation
University of South Wales, Cardiff - new space models for project-based learning in STEM disciplines
Plymouth Marjon University - user brief for existing and new healthcare programmes
Kingston University - year long review of agile working pilot project involving 200 professional services staff
London Metropolitan University - space planning strategy and new space models to support expanding healthcare programmes portfolio
London School of Economics - change management support for blended working initiative
University of Roehampton, London - user brief and building refurb strategy for innovative new healthcare hub to deliver new and expanding healthcare programmes
Oxford Brookes University - user experience and value-for-money review of proposed new buildings for Faculty of Technology, Design & Environment
University of Roehampton, London - campus space mapping to meet the needs of blended (online, oncampus) learning and working
Stonehage Fleming, London - workplace brief to support introduction of flexible working
East Sussex College & Wave Leisure, Eastbourne - user brief for a new physical activity centre promoting health and wellbeing through physical literacy programmes
Kingston University, London - change support for agile working pilot project involving 200 professional services staff
James Paget University Hospital, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk - user requirements, space model and phasing strategy for new education & training centre
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool - user brief and space model for building refurb project
University of Hertfordshire - user experience and change support for SPECS, a major new building for School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Sciences to support interdisciplinary learn, teach, research and impact activities
Limerick TwentyThirty, Ireland - user brief for mixed-use development of major heritage industrial site in Limerick City
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge & Chelmsford - change support to deliver agile working environment to Professional Services staff, including Vice-Chancellor's Group, user brief and change support for Faculty of Business & Law for agile workspace in line with University's Strategic Transformation Programme
University of East Anglia, Norwich - evaluation framework for review of brief/design of major new building in context of Covid-19
University of Roehampton, London - review of Southlands College educational mission against existing buildings to identify optimum development strategy
Kings College London - base-build design evaluation and development of user brief criteria to meet fit-out requirements for Department of Engineering in line with STEAM space model trends
Kings College London - learning space pilot user brief and layout concept to explore blended learning delivery in multiple group sizes
West Dean College Chichester - new space model for practice hubs to support more flexible programme delivery and ability to rapidly respond to trending interests
Regents University London - user requirements and space planning for Bringing Creativity Home project, i.e. relocatioin of creative arts programme from Marylebone Campus to Park Campus
Argent Property Development - workspace strategy for accommodating further growth in HQ office
Trinity College Dublin - space review for Faculty of Engineering Mathematics & Science to reduce fragmentation, increase flexibility, achieve greater collaboration and sharing of resources
West Dean College Chichester - masterplan strategy for delivering enhanced student and visitor experience across listed house, gardens, farm and parkland
University of Roehampton - user brief for innovative academic workspace in refurbished building
Manchester Metropolitan University - scoping study for redevelopment of existing library
University of Exeter - masterplan brief for Saint Luke's Campus serving Education Psychology Medicine Health & Sports Sciences - the professional campus promoting healthy futures
London South Bank University - user brief for major refurb of existing building to refocus campus experience
Macquarie University Sydney - Faculty of Science & Engineering, international precedent study of new space types, user briefs for major expansion in new-build, refurbished and leased space, uk study trip
Wellcome Trust - design and implementation of symposium comprising multi-disciplinary team to co-develop masterplanning process for major development of key research campus
Glasgow School of Art - review of organisational, business and spatial data-sets to identify ways in which estate might develop to support School’s strategic plan
University College London East - user briefing for major new academic building focusing on cross-disciplinary collaboration for new research initiatives
University of the Arts London, CCW (Camberwell Chelsea Wimbledon Colleges) - space review across 3 campuses to seek opportunities for accelerating implementation of academic strategy
London South Bank University - user brief for 'front-door' to campus, including student services, public engagement (theatre, exhibition), library and teaching facilities
Macquarie University Sydney - space model for Faculty of Science & Engineering to support major expansion in new and refurbished space, week-long study trip organised to learn from UK precedents
Roehampton University London - user feasibility study for refurbishment of vacated library building to accommodate Student Services, Digital Services, School of Media
Kingston University London - user brief for School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy & Chemistry, introducing new space model in response to learn, teach, research and engage trends
Courtauld Institute of Art London - interim and long term work space requirements for campus transformation project
ADA National College for Digital Skills - space model scenarios to inform and illustrate estimated space requirements
Imperial College London - user engagement programme as part of masterplan for major development of estate
London Metropolitan University - space model as part of masterplan for consolidation on one campus
Manchester School of Art, MMU - review of academic workspace to provide greater flexibility and accommodate growth
London School of Economics - teach+learn requirements for new building (as part of competition brief), learning-in-action toolkit to transform existing teach+learn spaces
London College of Communication - user brief for relocation
King's College London - academic workspace models to support changing trends
Macquarie University Sydney - space requirements and new space models for Faculty of Science & Engineering
Argent Property Development - workplace change to accommodate substantial growth 2 years on from relocation
University of Brighton - user brief for reimagining Brighton Business School
Cardiff University - user brief for new Centre of Student Life Building
University of Cambridge - review of teach+learn space requirements for Cambridge Judge Business School
Brunel University - academic workspace principles for refurbishment of existing building
Macquarie University - international trends in academic workspace
University of Exeter - concept brief/design for academic hub
University of Southampton - review of Business School Brief for new building
University of Central Lancashire - space overview as part of campus masterplan
University of Strathclyde - evaluation of post-occupancy findings for School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Newcastle University - user engagement programme for new building for School of Computing Science
University of Brighton - part-time student profile, space model for university-wide estate strategy
University of the Arts London - space budget for London College of Fashion & London College of Communication
Ravensbourne College, London - post-occupancy evaluation 3 years on from relocation, redesign of Central Loan Resources and Innovation space
University of Glasgow - space types review, campus principles
University of Brighton - city campus vision development and building portfolio strategy
LUiL (Lougborough University in London) - user workshops and building appraisal to clarify user requirements
GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) London - space plan layouts to test user brief for research space
Central Saint Martins (University of the Arts London) - staff workspace brief and space planning
University of Roehampton - user brief for new library building
Kingston University - user brief for major new university building
University of Brighton - space review for development of Eastbourne campus
Thenamaris Shipping Management, Athens - accommodation strategy to address growth profile
Art Fund - workplace options study to support decision-making for new office design
University of East London and Birkbeck College - user preparation programme for a major collaboration initiative, University Square Stratford (USS)
University of Brighton - space review and strategic brief for new information building
Portsmouth University - user briefing support for campus development
Lombard, Luxembourg - space review and workplace design to support organisational change
Plymouth College of Art - space models to inform free school application (subsequently granted)
Argent property development, London - steering group member and space planning for office relocation
University of Brighton - post occupancy evaluation of three recently completed buildings
Indian Institute Technology, Mandi - user brief for new Himalayan campus
Macquarie University, Sydney - research accommodation strategy to inform campus masterplan
O1 Group, Moscow - briefing and space planning to reflect best international practice
Hurlingham Club, London - space review of existing workspace, recommendations for redevelopment
Plymouth College of Art - space brief for major redevelopment of campus
University of Southampton - Faculty of Engineering and Environment, user briefing for new mixed-use building addressing new types of working and learning spaces
Thenamaris Shipping Management, Athens - space review, building appraisal, user engagement and space planning to support changing work requirements
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand - sustainable futures for learning paper, with LearnSpaceLogic
GVA London - space utilisation survey to inform space requirements for relocation
University College London - laboratory space review informed by international trends
University College London - vision development, user brief and space requirements for campus master-plan
London Metropolitan University - Business School, space-planning concepts to support new ways of working
Architectural Association London - space strategy for campus expansion, master-planner selection process, support for organisational change
London Metropolitan University - Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Life Sciences, POE study of Tower Building and space planning strategy for ongoing refurbishment
University of Brighton - CETLD (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning through Design), book chapter and conference presentation on learning space models
Strathclyde University - LEN (Learning Education Network) programme, space types that support the student experience
Petchey Academy London - space review and recommendations to support growth and changing requirements
Kings College London - School of Law, space planning scenarios for relocation to grade-1 listed building
RBC Dexia Headquarters London - user brief for new workspace
Global Management Consultancy (confidential) - global workplace strategy to support new ways of working
Twofour54 (communication media) Abu Dhabi - strategic space requirements to support collaboration across business units and test suitability of proposed building complex
Royal Veterinary College London - strategic brief for dual campus master-plan
Lincoln University - Learning Landscapes research project (HEFCE funded), steering group member, contributing author
Loughborough University - Academic Workspace research project (HEFCE funded), steering group member and contributing author
University of the Arts London - user brief and space planning scenarios for new headquarters at 272HH
Oxford University - Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, studio space benchmarking
Dundee University - DoJ College of Art and Design, School of Architecture, user requirements and space brief for refurbishment of two major buildings
Wolverhampton University - E-learning Spaces research project (HEFCE funded), review of technology-rich learning spaces throughout UK
University of the Arts London - Central St Martins College of Art and Design, relocation project, vision development, user brief and space planning
Ravensbourne College London - relocation project, vision development, strategic brief, design team selection process, user brief, space planning, change support
Lewisham College London - user brief to identify space requirements for development of campus
Lambeth College London - space brief for campus rationalisation and enhancement
Oxford and Cherwell College - aspirational brief for major development of campuses
University of the Arts London - concept design for international students centre
Scottish Executive Schools Directorate - Building Excellence educational programme to support Curriculum for Excellence roll-out
Telford Local Authority - CABE enabling support for BSF (Building Schools for the Future) projects underway
Strathclyde University - LEN (Learning Education Network) programme for new space types for new ways of learning
Ulster University - vision and space requirements for Jordanstown campus master-plan
HM Revenue and Customs London - space planning and change support for restack and reorganisation of 100 Parliament Street building
University of Greenwich - Urban Research Institute, learning laboratory brief for Fryerns/Craylands Regeneration Project (funded by ASC, Academy of Sustainable Communities)
Aylesbury Local Authority - review of office space requirements and provision
University of Wolverhampton - user brief and change support for staff relocation to new administration building
London Metropolitan University - Olympics legacy option review